Peter Jones Osteopath

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About Peter Jones Osteopath

Peter Jones is a registered osteopath with a warm, family-oriented clinic in Worcester, serving the community since 2000. With over two decades of experience, Peter is skilled in treating various joint, muscle, and nerve conditions. His expertise extends to cranial osteopathy and aiding children with coordination and balance issues.

Patients of all ages, from infants to seniors, benefit from Peter’s care. He offers valuable guidance on general and workplace posture, along with personalized exercise and rehabilitation plans tailored to specific musculoskeletal needs. Peter is also affiliated with major insurance companies, ensuring accessibility for a wide range of clients.

Peter Jones Osteopath follow the principles of osteopathy, a recognized approach emphasizing structural and functional body health. We provide prompt, reliable, and professional care for a broad spectrum of conditions. Contact us today for more information.

Contact Details for Peter Jones Osteopath

Tel: 01905 426 393
}Opening Times:

Training & Qualifications

Osteopaths Name: Peter Jones
Year of Qualification 2000
General Osteopathic Council Registration No 4259
Date of GOC registration: 05/May/2000

Treatment Costs

Initial Consultation & Treatment -£65 (1 hour) Follow Up Treatment -£50 Children - £110 (1.5 hours)